There are two kinds of cloud ERP vendors; closed – where the vendors intentionally close their APIs, usually those in vertical apps, believing it gives them a lock in their market and open – vendors that provide open interfaces to ensure seamless cloud-to-cloud integrations.
Acumatica Cloud ERP falls within the open category. They support an open world and eliminating the separations of automation. To quote Acumatica’s Ajoy Krishnamoorthy, VP of Platform Strategy, “We don’t think that data should live and die within the boundaries of ERP.” He says this in his post, The Connected Cloud: How Acumatica’s API Supports a Multicloud World, which he wrote in 2017.
In it, Krishnamoorthy explains how they developed Acumatica to be a flexible, customizable, cloud xRP platform. He also details Acumatica’s API journey. Acumatica believes that “APIs form the connecting glue between modern applications. Nearly all applications use APIs to connect with corporate data sources, third-party data services, or other applications.
Creating an open description format for API services that is vendor neutral, portable, and open is critical to accelerating the vision of a truly connected world.” Read more here.